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User talk:RHaworth/Charging group

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Maps, etc.


All the map variants linked to from here are Crown Copyright hence it has been deemed unwise to load them into Wikipaedia.

My original un-retouched scans of <A href="http://homepages.tesco.net/~rhaworth/phreak/origmap.gif">the Map (453K bytes)</a> and <a href="http://homepages.tesco.net/~rhaworth/phreak/origlst.gif">the List (1228K bytes)</a> used in creating the Map and List above.  These original un-retouched states are only worth downloading if you suspect that I have made errors in preparing the

improved versions above.

  • <A href="sns_geog.txt">The base data</a> as a CSV file used for the List above and for the <A href="std_geog.htm">STD codes list</a>
  • The Map I have is a photocopy of a photocopy of a …  At some stage along the line someone has re-inked all the numbers by hand.  I am currently repeating the re-inking exercise digitally but it is a slow job so if anybody has a clean copy of this map, please let me know. -- RHaworth 22:43, 2005 Jan 11 (UTC)