List of American Football League players
The following is a list of men who played for the American Football League (AFL, 1960–1969).
[edit]- Ray Abruzzese
- Ken Adamson
- Tom Addison (1936–2011; 5-year All-Star; founder/1st Pres AFL Players Association)
- Ben Agajanian (One of only two men who played in the AAFC, the AFL, and the NFL)
- Harold Akin
- Ted Alflen
- Bruce Alford Jr.
- Don Allard
- Buddy Allen
- Chuck Allen
- Dalva Allen
- Don Allen
- George Allen
- Jackie Allen
- Jim Allison
- Buddy Alliston
- Lance Alworth (born 1940, holds all-time record for most games, career, with over 200 yards receiving [5], AFL MVP 1963)
- Dave Ames
- Billy Anderson
- Dick Anderson
- Max Anderson
- Ralph Anderson
- Lou Andrus
- Houston Antwine (born 1939)
- Jim Apple
- Scott Appleton
- Fred Arbanas (1939–2021)
- Dan Archer
- Ray Armstrong
- Doug Asad
- Jack Atchason
- Bill Atkins
- Matthew Ayala
- Al Atkinson
- Frank Atkinson
- George Atkinson
- Joe Auer
- Hank Autry
- Ken Avery
- Joe Avezzano
[edit]- Gene Babb
- Martin Baccaglio
- Jay Bachman
- Teddy Bailey
- Bill Baird
- Art Baker
- Johnny Baker
- Larry Baker
- Pete Banaszak
- Al Bansavage
- Joe Barbee
- Rudy Barber
- Stew Barber
- Charley Barnes
- Ernie Barnes
- Larry Barnes
- Pete Barnes
- Walt Barnes
- Bob Barrett
- Jan Barrett
- Al Barry
- Odell Barry
- Jim Barton
- Glenn Bass
- Norm Bass
- Ted Bates
- Mike Battle
- Walter Beach
- Byron Beams
- Pete Beathard
- Al Beauchamp
- Joe Beauchamp
- Tom Beer
- Dave Behrman
- Tom Beier
- Jim Beirne
- Bobby Bell
- Eddie Bell
- Henry Bell
- Joe Bellino
- George Belotti
- Caesar Belser
- Al Bemiller
- Phil Bennett
- Duane Benson
- Ron Berger
- Bill Bergey
- Frank Bernardi
- Ed Bernet
- Lee Bernet
- Royce Berry
- Elvin Bethea
- Randy Beverly
- Verlon Biggs
- Fred Biletnikoff
- Rodger Bird
- Dan Birdwell
- Joe Biscaha
- Sonny Bishop
- Charlie Bivins
- George Blair
- George Blanda (1927–2010; AFL MVP 1961)
- Sid Blanks
- Phil Blazer
- Hubert Bobo
- Dewey Bohling
- Johnny Bookman
- Emerson Boozer
- Nate Borden
- Ron Botchan
- Jim Boudreaux
- Tommy Boutwell
- Max Boydston
- Garland Boyette
- George Boynton
- John Boynton
- Danny Brabham
- Phil Brady
- John Bramlett
- Mel Branch
- Solomon Brannan
- Hezekiah Braxton
- Alex Bravo
- Don Breaux
- Bob Breitenstein
- Jim Brewington
- Bobby Brezina
- Bob Briggs
- Marlin Briscoe (born 1945, first black in modern era to play, and then start, at quarterback, 1968 AFL)
- Jon Brittenum
- Bob Brodhead
- J.W. Brodnax
- Tommy Brooker
- Bob Brooks
- Aaron Brown
- Barry Brown
- Bill Brown
- Charley Brown
- Charlie Brown
- Don Brown
- Doug Brown
- Fred Brown
- Hardy Brown (One of only two men who played in the AAFC, the AFL, and the NFL)
- Paul Brown (Coached in the AAFC, the AFL, and the NFL)
- Willie Brown
- Charlie Browning
- Claude Brownlee
- Dick Brubaker
- Charlie Brueckman
- Bob Bruggers
- Sam Brunelli
- Fred Bruney
- Bob Bryant
- Buck Buchanan (1940–1992)
- Tim Buchanan
- Tom Buckman
- Ed Budde (born 1940)
- Bill Budness
- Tom Budrewicz
- George Buehler
- Gary Bugenhagen
- Drew Buie
- Fred Bukaty
- Frank Buncom
- Nick Buoniconti
- Jerry Burch
- Chris Burford (born 1938)
- Bobby Burnett (born 1943, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1966)
- Ode Burrell
- Leon Burton
- Ron Burton (1936–2003)
- Gerry Bussell
- Bob Butler
- Bernie Buzyniski
- George (Butch) Byrd (born 1941)
[edit]- John Cadwell
- Johnny Cagle
- Dan Callahan
- Jim Campbell
- Ken Campbell
- Stan Campbell
- Woody Campbell
- Justin Canale
- Whit Canale
- Joe Cannavino
- Billy Cannon (born 1937, made All-League as a halfback in 1961 and as a tight end in 1969)
- Bob Cappadona
- Gino Cappelletti (born 1934, AFL MVP 1964, AFL's All-Time Leading Scorer)
- Wray Carlton
- Al Carmichael
- Paul Carmichael
- Reg Carolan
- Don Carothers
- Ken Carpenter
- Preston Carpenter
- Levert Carr
- John Carrell
- Ed Carrington
- Jim Carroll
- Johnny Carson
- Kern Carson
- Larry Carwell
- Rick Casares
- Tim Casey
- John Cash
- Tom Cassese
- Carmen Cavalli
- Ronnie Caveness
- Grady Cavness
- Dan Chamberlain
- Edgar Chandler
- John Charles
- Carl Charon
- B.W. Cheeks
- Don Chelf
- George Chesser
- Jim Cheyunski
- Ed Chlebek
- Max Choboian
- Steve Chomyszak
- Dick Chorovich
- Dick Christy
- Earl Christy
- Don Churchwell
- Tom Cichowski
- Jack Clancy
- Howard Clark
- Hagood Clarke
- Bobby Clatterbuck
- Doug Cline
- Dave Cloutier
- Bert Coan
- Gene Cockrell
- Don Coffey
- Abe Cohen
- Jim Colclough (1936–2004)
- Fred Cole
- Al Coleman
- J.C. Collins
- Ray Collins
- Dick Compton
- Dan Conners
- Greg Cook (born 1946, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1969)
- Ed Cooke
- Bob Coolbaugh
- Thurlow Cooper
- Jim Corcoran
- Olie Cordill
- Walt Corey
- Jerry Cornelison
- Bruce Coslet
- Dave Costa
- Paul Costa
- Jim Cox
- Larry Cox
- Eric Crabtree
- Dobie Craig
- Gary Crane
- Paul Crane
- Hilton Crawford
- Jim Crawford
- Ken Criter
- Bobby Crockett
- Monte Crockett
- Bill Cronin
- Bobby Cross
- Jim Crotty
- Jake Crouthamel
- Al Crow
- Wayne Crow
- Harry Crump
- Doug Crusan
- Larry Csonka (Miami Dolphins' all-time leading rusher, Super Bowl VIII MVP)
- Walt Cudzik
- Curley Culp
- Ed Culpepper
- Ed Cummings
- Carl Cunningham
- Dick Cunningham
- Jay Cunningham
- Mike Current
- Gary Cutsinger
[edit]- Frank D'Agostino
- Mike D'Amato
- Bill Danenhauer
- Eldon Danenhauer
- George Daney
- Clem Daniels (born 1937, AFL MVP 1963)
- Dave Daniels
- Bill Darnall
- Dan Darragh
- Ben Davidson
- Cotton Davidson
- Pete Davidson
- Bob Davis
- Dick Davis
- Jack J. Davis (Boston Patriots)
- Jack O. Davis (Denver Broncos)
- Marvin Davis
- Bill Dawson
- Len Dawson (born 1935, AFL MVP 1962)
- Al Day
- Tom Day
- Bob Dee
- Nick DeFelice
- Dick Degen
- Steve DeLong
- Sam DeLuca
- Gerry DeLucca
- Guy Dennis
- Al Denson
- John Denvir
- Don Deskins
- Wayne DeSutter
- Chuck DeVliegher
- Willard Dewveall
- Bill Diamond
- Charley Diamond
- Eldridge Dickey
- Wallace Dickey
- Bo Dickinson
- John Diehl
- Tony DiMidio
- Tom Dimitroff, Sr.
- Tom Dimmick
- Tony Discenzo
- John Dittrich
- Joe DiVito
- Hewritt Dixon
- Oliver Dobbins
- John Dockery
- Leon Dombrowski
- Marty Domres
- Tom Domres
- Gene Donaldson
- Roger Donnahoo
- Ben Donnell
- Al Dorow
- Dick Dorsey
- Al Dotson
- Bob Dougherty
- John H. Douglas
- Dick Doyle
- Dakota Dozier
- Elbert Drungo
- Elbert Dubenion (born 1933)
- Mitch Dudek
- Mike Dukes
- Jim Dunaway
- Randy Duncan
- Rick Duncan
- Speedy Duncan
- Charlie Dupre
- Pete Duranko
- Ken Dyer
Elbert Dubenion
[edit]- John Eason
- Rick Eber
- Booker Edgerson
- Randall Edmunds
- Lloyd Edwards
- Jim Eifrid
- Mike Eischeid
- Larry Eisenhauer
- Larry Elkins
- John Elliott
- Roger Ellis
- Paul Elzey
- Frank Emanuel
- John Embree
- Hunter Enis
- Bill Enyart
- Pat Epperson
- Bernie Erickson
- Tom Erlandson
- Terry Erwin
- Don Estes
- Bob Evans
- Dale Evans
- Jim Evans
- Norm Evans
[edit]- Bill Fairband
- Earl Faison (born 1939, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1961)
- Stan Fanning
- Dick Farley
- Lonnie Farmer
- Miller Farr (born 1943)
- Curt Farrier
- Joe Farrier
- John Farris
- Staley Faulkner
- Paul Feldhausen
- Dick Felt
- Ralph Felton
- Lane Fenner
- Charley Ferguson
- Gene Ferguson
- Howie Ferguson
- Manny Fernandez
- Orlando Ferrante
- Howard Fest
- Jim Fetherston
- Dan Ficca
- George Fields
- Jerry Fields
- Garry Finneran
- Roger Finnie
- George Fleming
- Billy Fletcher
- George Flint
- Tom Flores (born 1937), first Hispanic quarterback in professional football, 1960. Later coach of the Oakland Raiders, winning two Super Bowls.
- Charlie Flowers
- Don Floyd (born 1938)
- Don Flynn
- Wayne Fontes
- Fred Ford
- Garrett Ford, Sr.
- Fred Forsberg
- Gene Foster
- Sid Fournet
- Bobby Fowler
- Charlie Fowler
- Jerry Fowler
- Willmer Fowler
- Jason Franci
- Jack Frantz
- Jim Fraser
- Al Frazier
- Charley Frazier
- Curt Frazier
- Wayne Frazier
- Willie Frazier
- Dick Frey
- John Frongillo
- Andy Fuller
- Charley Fuller
- Zach Fulton
- Tom Funchess
- Jim Furey
- Tom Fussell
[edit]- George Gaiser
- Bob Gaiters
- Chon Gallegos
- R.C. Gamble
- Bob Garner
- Carl Garrett (born 1947, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1969)
- Drake Garrett
- J.D. Garrett
- Mike Garrett
- Gary Garrison
- Larry Garron
- Chuck Gavin
- Jack Gehrke
- Roy Gerela
- Claude (Hoot) Gibson
- Cookie Gilchrist (born 1935, AFL MVP 1962)
- Fred Gillett
- Jon Gilliam
- Scotty Glacken
- Bob Gladieux
- Glenn Glass
- Howard Glenn
- Freddy Glick
- Gary Glick
- Art Gob
- George Goeddeke
- Pete Gogolak
- Alan Goldstein
- Austin (Goose) Gonsoulin (born 1938)
- John Gonzaga
- Tom Good
- Tom Goode
- Doug Goodwin
- Bobby Gordon
- Cornell Gordon
- Gene Grabosky
- Garry Grady
- Art Graham
- Kenny Graham
- Milt Graham
- Rufus Granderson
- Hoyle Granger
- Larry Grantham (born 1938)
- Willie Grate
- White Graves
- Jim Gray
- Moses Gray
- Dave Grayson (born 1939, all-time American Football League interception leader, 47)
- Gary Greaves
- Charlie Green
- Jerry Green
- Johnny Green
- Ted Greene
- Tom Greene
- Charlie Greer
- Jim Greer
- Ben Gregory
- Ken Gregory
- Bob Griese
- Jim Griffin
- John Griffin
- Bill Groman
- George Gross
- Lee Grosscup
- Sam Gruneisen
- Pat Gucciardo
- Dick Guesman
- Paul Guidry
- John Guillory
- Don Gulseth
- Harry Gunner
- Buzz Guy
- Louis Guy
- John Guzik
[edit]- John Hadl (born 1940)
- Mike Haffner
- Roger Hagberg
- Mac Haik
- Galen Hall
- Ken Hall
- Ron Hall
- Rod Hamilton
- Kim Hammond
- Charley Hardy
- Ed Harmon
- Darrell Harper
- Jack Harper
- Dick Harris
- James Harris (born 1947, first black in modern era to start a season at quarterback, 1969 AFL)
- Jim Harris, Jr.
- Jimmy Harris
- John Harris
- Pete Hart
- Jim Harvey
- Waddey Harvey
- Johnny Hatley
- Art Hauser
- Wayne Hawkins
- Jim Hayes
- Luther Hayes
- Ray Hayes
- Wendell Hayes
- Abner Haynes (born 1937, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1960, American Football League MVP 1960, over 12,000 career all-purpose yards.)
- Sherrill Headrick
- Don Healy
- Gene Heeter
- Don Heinrich
- Bob Heinz
- Jerry Helluin
- James Helzberg
- Karl Henke
- Carey Henley
- Tom Hennessey
- Charlie Hennigan (born 1935, first professional football player to catch more than 100 passes in a season (101, 1964).)
- Dan Henning
- Bill Herchman
- Joe Hergert
- Dave Herman
- Dick Hermann
- Don Herndon
- Ken Herock
- George Herring
- Mike Hibler
- Bo Hickey
- W.K. Hicks
- Jim Higgins
- Walter Highsmith
- Dave Hill
- Jack Hill
- Jim Hill
- Jimmy Hill
- Mack Lee Hill
- Winston Hill (born 1941)
- Glen Ray Hines
- Jimmy Hines
- Dalton Hoffman
- Jon Hohman
- Al Hoisington
- Gus Hollomon
- Johnny Holmes
- Pat Holmes
- Robert Holmes
- E.J. Holub (born 1938)
- Gordy Holz
- Harry Hooligan
- Jerry Hopkins
- Roy Hopkins
- Roy Hord
- Bob Horton
- Ken Houston
- Bobby Howard
- Bobby Howfield
- John Huard
- John Huarte
- Marv Hubbard
- Brad Hubbert
- Floyd Hudlow
- Mike Hudock
- Bill Hudson
- Bob Hudson
- Dick Hudson
- Jim Hudson
- Gene Huey
- Bill Hull
- Buddy Humphrey
- Bob Humphreys
- Bobby Hunt
- Jim Lee Hunt (born 1938)
- Billy Hunter
- Chuck Hurston
- Ed Husmann
- Paul Hynes
[edit]- Bob Jackson
- Charlie Jackson
- Frank Jackson
- Rich Jackson
- Frank Jackunas
- Harry Jacobs
- Proverb Jacobs
- Ray Jacobs
- Jack Jacobson
- Harry Jagielski
- Robert James
- Dick Jamieson
- Al Jamison
- Bobby Jancik
- Charlie Janerette
- Tom Janik
- Pete Jaquess
- Jon Jelacic
- Luther Jeralds
- Bill Jessup
- Gene Jeter
- Billy Joe (1963 American Football League Rookie of the Year)
- Pete Johns
- Billy Johnson
- Bob Johnson
- Curley Johnson
- Daryl Johnson
- Dick Johnson
- Ellis Johnson
- Essex Johnson
- Jack Johnson
- Jim Johnson
- Joe Johnson
- John Henry Johnson
- Preston Johnson
- Rich Johnson
- Mark Johnston
- Stone Johnson
- Charlie Joiner (In 1986, he was the last active player from the AFL to reitre)
- Curtis Jones
- Ezell Jones
- Gene Jones
- Henry Jones
- Jimmy Jones (Denver Broncos)
- Jimmy Jones (New York Jets)
- Jimmy Jones (Oakland Raiders)
- Willie Jones (Buffalo Bills)
- Willie Jones (Houston Oilers)
- Larry Jordan
- Bob Joswick
- Don Joyce
- L.C. Joyner
- Fred Julian
[edit]- Karl Kaimer
- Bob Kalsu (1945–1970, one of two former professional American football players to die in the Vietnam War)
- Larry Kaminski
- Emil Karas
- Joe Katchik
- Jim Kearney
- Bill Keating
- Tom Keating
- Val Keckin
- Rex Keeling
- Ed Kelley
- Mike Kellogg
- Bob Kelly
- Jack Kemp (1936–2009, AFL MVP 1965) – later a prominent politician
- Charlie Kempinski
- Charlie Kendall
- John Kenerson
- Greg Kent
- Randy Kerbow
- Bob Keyes
- Jimmy Keyes
- Ed Khayat
- Jim Kiick
- Bill Kimber
- Billy Kinard
- Keith Kinderman
- Howard Kindig
- Bill Kindricks
- Charley King
- Claude King
- Don King
- Henry King
- Tony King
- George Kinney
- Gary Kirner
- Dick Klein
- Jack Klotz
- Roger Kochman
- Dave Kocourek
- John Kompara
- Bob Konovsky
- Ed Koontz
- Ed Kovac
- Walt Kowalczyk
- Joe Krakoski
- Karl Kremser
- Bill Krisher
- Alex Kroll
- Gary Kroner
- Bob Kruse
- Ray Kubala
- Frank Kuchta
- Joe Kulbacki
[edit]- Ernie Ladd (born 1939)
- Mack Lamb
- Ron Lamb
- Gordon Lambert
- Pat Lamberti
- Pete Lammons
- Daryle Lamonica (born 1941, AFL MVP 1967 and 1969) – known as "the Mad Bomber"
- Bobby Lane
- Willie Lanier
- Dan Lanphear
- Bob Laraba
- Jack Laraway
- Dan LaRose
- Carl Larpenter
- Jack Larscheid
- Bill Larson
- Paul Larson
- Bill Laskey
- Ike Lassiter
- Paul Latzke
- Al Lawson
- Jerome Lawson
- Jim LeClair
- Roger LeClerc
- Eric Legrand (Tampa Bay)
- Monte Ledbetter
- Bob Lee
- Jacky Lee
- Max Leetzow
- Jim LeMoine
- Bill Lenkaitis
- Jack Lentz
- Bobby Leo
- Charley Leo
- Cecil Leonard
- Darrell Lester
- Cotton Letner
- Jerry Levias
- Hal Lewis
- Hal Lewis
- Sherman Lewis
- Keith Lincoln (born 1939)
- Paul Lindquist
- Hub Lindsey
- Peter Liske
- Floyd Little (born 1942)
- Larry Little
- Dale Livingston
- Mike Livingston
- Walt Livingston
- Billy Locklin
- Oscar Lofton
- Mike London
- Charlie Long
- Mike Long
- Sam Longmire
- Dean Look
- Ed Lothamer
- Billy Lott
- Rommie Loudd
- Tom Louderback
- Angelo Loukas
- Paul Lowe (born 1936, AFL MVP 1965)
- Richie Lucas
- Tommy Luke
- Booth Lusteg
- Fran Lynch
- Jim Lynch
[edit]- Dee Mackey
- Jacque MacKinnon
- Eddie Macon
- John Maczuzak
- Paul Maguire (born 8/22/1938, played in six of ten American Football League championship games.)
- Billy Majors
- John Mangum
- Pete Mangum
- Don Manoukian
- Bobby Maples
- Ed Marcontell
- Marv Marinovich
- Bob Marques
- Jim Marsalis
- Aaron Marsh
- Frank Marsh
- Blanche Martin
- Bill Mathis (born 1936)
- Pat Matson
- Archie Matsos
- Jack Mattox
- Marv Matuszak
- Doug Mayberry
- Ben Mayes
- Don Maynard (born 1935)
- Jerry Mays (born 1939)
- Bob McAdams
- Carl McAdams
- Mike McBath
- Norm McBride
- Richie McCabe
- Ed McCall
- Ron McCall
- Brendan McCarthy
- Mickey McCarty
- Curtis McClinton (born 1939, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1962)
- Kent McCloughan
- Wayne McClure
- Don McComb
- John McCormick
- Lloyd McCoy
- Dale McCullers
- Bob McCullough
- Jim McCusker
- Wahoo McDaniel
- Gary McDermott
- Ron McDole (born 1939)
- Don McDonald
- Gerry McDougall
- Bud McFadin
- Nyle McFarlane
- George McGee
- John McGeever
- Dan McGrew
- Don McKinnon
- James A. McKinstry
- Bob McLeod
- Art McMahon
- Jim McMillin
- John McMullan
- Chuck McMurtry
- Bob McNamara
- Charlie McNeil
- Warren McVea
- Ed Meixler
- Mario Mendez
- Mike Mercer
- Dudley Meredith
- Jim Mertens
- Curt Merz
- Ed Meyer
- John Meyer
- Rich Michael
- Walt Michaels
- Dave Middendorf
- Pete Mikolajewski
- John Milks
- Alan Miller
- Bill Miller
- Bill Miller
- Pete Mills
- Charley Milstead
- Gene Mingo (first black field goal kicker in United States professional football, 1960.)
- Tom Minter
- Rex Mirich
- Bob Mischak
- Charley Mitchell
- Ed Mitchell
- Leroy Mitchell
- Stan Mitchell
- Tom Mitchell
- Willie Mitchell
- Bob Mitinger (1962 Chargers' team Rookie of the Year, later attorney for the American Football League Players Association, 1968–1969.)
- Ron Mix (born 1938)
- Mel Montalbo
- Mike Montler
- Alex Moore
- Fred Moore
- Leroy Moore
- Zeke Moore
- Mo Moorman
- Doug Moreau
- Fran Morelli
- Dennit Morris
- Jon Morris (born 1942)
- Mercury Morris
- Tom Morrow
- Haven Moses
- Rich Mostardi
- Bobby Moten
- Ed Muelhaupt
- Horst Muhlmann
- Nick Mumley
- Lloyd Mumphord
- Jesse Murdock
- Bill Murphy
- Chip Myers
- Chip Myrtle
[edit]- Joe Namath (born 1943, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1965, AFL MVP 1968 and 1969)
- Jim Nance (born 1942, AFL MVP 1966)
- Walter Napier
- Bob Neff
- John Neidert
- Billy Neighbors
- Benny Nelson
- Ron Nery
- Tom Neumann
- Tom Neville
- Steve Newell
- Dat Nguyen
- Bobby Nichols
- Mike Nichols
- Pete Nicklas
- Doyle Nix
- John Nocera
- George Nock
- Tom Nomina
- Karl Noonan
- Jim Norris
- Don Norton
- Jim Norton (born 1938)
- Rick Norton
- Joe Novsek
- Phil Nugent
- Julian Nunamaker
- R.B. Nunnery
[edit]- Joe Pagliei
- Sam Palumbo
- Nick Papac
- Vito (Babe) Parilli (born 1930)
- Ernie Park
- Charlie Parker
- Willie Parker
- Bernie Parrish
- Dennis Partee
- Bill Pashe
- Alan Pastrana
- Herb Paterra
- Wayne Patrick
- Dainard Paulson
- Johnny Peacock
- Willie Pearson
- Tom Pennington
- Bill Perkins
- Jim Perkins
- Willis Perkins
- Phil Perlo
- Pete Perreault
- Anton Peters
- Frank Peters
- Volney Peters
- Bill Peterson
- Bob Petrella
- Bob Petrich
- Gerry Philbin (born 1941)
- Jess Phillips
- Ed Philpott
- Frank Pitts
- Hugh Pitts
- John Pitts
- Dave Pivec
- Dave Plump
- Sherman Plunkett
- Bobby Ply
- Ed Podolak
- Bob Poole
- Willie Porter
- Dickie Post (born 1942, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1967)
- Art Powell
- Charley Powell
- Jesse Powell
- Warren Powers
- Gene Prebola
- Jim Price
- Sam Price
- Billy Pricer
- Bob Print
- Errol Prisby
- Ron Pritchard
- Remi Prudhomme
- Barry Pryor
- Vic Purvis
- Jack Pyburn
- John Pyeatt
- Palmer Pyle
- George Pyne III
[edit]- Warren Rabb
- Bill Rademacher
- Dennis Randall
- Randy Rasmussen
- Ray Ratkowski
- Bert Rechichar
- Rick Redman
- Alvin Reed
- Leo Reed
- Roy Reeves
- Tom Regner
- Bob Reifsnyder
- Dennis Remmert
- Bob Renn
- Larry Rentz
- Ron Rewald
- Al Reynolds
- Billy Reynolds
- M. C. Reynolds
- Andy Rice
- George Rice
- Ken Rice
- Ray Rice
- Jim Richards
- Perry Richards
- Al Richardson
- Bob Richardson
- Gloster Richardson
- Jeff Richardson
- Jesse Richardson
- John Richardson
- Mike Richardson
- Pete Richardson
- Tom Richardson
- Mike Richey
- Frank Richter
- Houston Ridge
- Preston Ridlehuber
- Charley Rieves
- Jim Riley
- Ken Riley
- Lee Riley
- Ray Rissmiller
- Hank Rivera
- Paul Rochester
- Bo Roberson
- Archie Roberts
- Cliff Roberts
- Bob Robertson
- Bill Robinson
- Jerry Robinson
- Johnny Robinson (born 1938)
- Paul Robinson (born 1944, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1968, only running back in pro football history to rush for 1,000 yards for a first-year expansion team.)
- Frank Robotti
- Paul Rochester (born 1938)
- Tobin Rote (1928–2000, AFL MVP Award in 1963, only man to quarterback teams to a championship in both the NFL and the American Football League)
- John Roderick
- Herb Roedel
- Bill Roehnelt
- Don Rogers
- Dave Rolle
- Hatch Rosdahl
- Dave Ross
- Willie Ross
- Tobin Rote
- Justin Rowland
- Bob Rowley
- Karl Rubke
- Jack Rudolph
- Marion Rushing
- Benny Russell
- Charlie Rutkowski
- Ed Rutkowski
- Joe Ryan
- Tom Rychlec
[edit]- Tom Saidock
- George Saimes (born 1941)
- Len St. Jean
- Johnny Sample
- Rick Sapienza
- Tony Sardisco
- Dan Sartin
- Doug Satcher
- George Sauer, Jr.
- Jimmy Saxton
- Ron Sayers
- Ron Sbranti
- Bob Scarpitto
- Joe Schaffer
- Pete Schenck
- Maury Schleicher
- Ray Schmautz
- Jim Schmedding
- Bob Schmidt
- Henry Schmidt
- John Schmitt
- Mike Schnitker
- Marty Schottenheimer
- Harry Schuh
- Gerhard Schwedes
- Bob Schweikert
- Bill Scott
- Clarence Scott
- John Scott
- Lew Scott
- Bob Scrabis
- Ed Scrutchins
- Jim Sears
- Bob Sedlock
- Paul Seiler
- Larry Seiple
- Gene Selawski
- Goldie Sellers
- Ron Sellers
- Tom Sestak (1936–1987)
- Don Shackleford
- Billy Shaw (born 1938, only non-NFL player in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.)
- George Shaw
- Glenn Shaw
- Pat Shea
- Art Shell
- Rod Sherman
- Tom Sherman
- George Shirkey
- Bill Shockley
- Chuck Shonta
- John Simerson
- Arnie Simkus
- Leon Simmons
- Jackie Simpson
- O. J. Simpson
- Willie Simpson
- Karl Singer
- John Sklopan
- Mickey Slaughter
- Richard Sligh
- Tom Smiley
- Allen Duncan Smith (Buffalo Bills)
- Allen Tyrone Smith (New York Jets)
- Bob (Robert Bert) Smith (Houston Oilers)
- Bobby (Robert Lee) Smith (Buffalo Bills)
- Carl Smith
- Charlie Smith
- Dan Smith (Denver Broncos)
- Dave Smith
- Don Smith (Denver Broncos)
- Fletcher Smith
- Hal Smith (Boston Patriots)
- J. D. (James D.) Smith (Oakland Raiders)
- Jimmy Smith (Denver Broncos)
- Noland Smith
- Paul Smith (Denver Broncos)
- Russ Smith
- Tommie Smith
- Willie Smith
- Mark Smolinski
- Matt Snell (born 1941, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1964, 121 yd, td in 3rd World Championship game.)
- Matt Snorton
- Al Snyder
- Bob Soltis
- Mike Sommer
- Butch Songin
- Jim Sorey
- Henry Sorrell
- Dick Speights
- Julian Spence
- Ollie Spencer
- Jack Spikes
- Phil Spiller
- Len St. Jean
- Jeff Staggs
- Jerry Stalcup
- Bill Staley
- Bill Stanfill
- Marshall Starks
- Bob Stein
- Jan Stenerud
- Harold Stephens
- Tom Stephens
- Kay Stephenson
- Wayne Stewart
- Jim Stinnette
- Carel Stith
- John Stofa
- Jesse Stokes
- Donnie Stone
- Jack Stone
- Rich Stotter
- Smokey Stover
- Art Strahan
- Bob Stransky
- Mike Stratton (born 1941, tackled Keith Lincoln with "the hit heard 'round the world".)
- Tony Stricker
- Dave Strickland
- Bill Striegel
- Mike Stromberg
- Morris Stroud
- George Strugar
- Jerry Sturm
- Bob Suci
- Walter Suggs
- Jim Summers
- Mickey Sutton
- Bob Svihus
- Terry Swanson
- Dick Swatland
- Neal Sweeney
- Walt Sweeney (born 1941)
- Jim Swink
- Gene Sykes
[edit]×*Bob Talamini (born 1939)
- Mike Taliaferro
- George Tarasovic
- Jerry Tarr
- Carl Taseff
- Bob Tatarek
- Lionel Taylor (born 1935, first receiver with 100 catches in a season (1961).)
- Otis Taylor (born 1942)
- Sammie Taylor
- Steve Tensi
- Tony Teresa
- Marvin Terrell
- Corky Tharp
- Jim Thibert
- Emmitt Thomas
- Gene Thomas
- Jesse Thomas
- Speedy Thomas
- Bill Thompson
- Jim Thompson
- Steve Thompson
- Art Thoms
- Bubba Thornton
- Jack Thornton
- Jim Tiller
- Dave Tobey
- Bill Tobin
- Larry Todd
- Charlie Tolar (1937–2003)
- Jim Tolbert
- Ed Toner
- LaVerne Torczon
- Bobby Towns
- John Tracey (born 1933)
- Allen Trammell
- Richard Trapp
- Orville Trask
- Herb Travenio
- John Travis
- Jerry Traynham
- Frank Tripucka
- Gene Trosch
- Dalton Truax
- Don Trull
- Bob Trumpy
- Gary Tucker
- Phil Tuckett
- Bake Turner
- Clem Turner
- Jim Turner
- Vince Turner
- Howard Twilley
- Jim Tyrer (1939–1980)
- Dick Tyson
- Tom Brady
[edit]- Olen Underwood
- Gene Upshaw – later head of the NFL players association
- Jim Urbanek
- Herm Urenda
[edit]- Jim Wagstaff
- Loyd Wainscott
- Clarence Walker
- Wayne Walker
- Henry Wallace
- Ron Waller
- Fred Wallner
- Ed Walsh
- Sam Walton
- Hal Wantland
- Ernie Warlick (born 1932)
- Charley Warner
- Dewey Warren
- Jimmy Warren
- Ron Warzeka
- Clyde Washington
- Dave E. Washington
- Dick Washington
- Russ Washington
- Jim Waskiewicz
- Dave Watson
- Ed Watson
- Bob Watters
- Don Webb
- Dave Webster
- George Webster (born 1945, American Football League Rookie of the Year 1967)
- Bill Wegener
- Ted Wegert
- Sammy Weir
- Ed Weisacosky
- Billy Wells
- Bob Wells
- Warren Wells
- Bob Werl
- Dave West
- Mel West
- Willie West
- Dick Westmoreland
- Max Wettstein
- Jim Whalen
- Hogan Wharton
- Manch Wheeler
- Andre White
- Bob White
- Gene White
- Harvey White
- John White
- Lee White
- Bud Whitehead
- Hall Whitley
- Nat Whitmyer
- Bert Wilder
- Howie Williams
- Monk Williams
- Jim Williams
- Maxie Williams
- Wandy Williams
- Willie Williams
- Fred Williamson
- J. R. Williamson
- Eddie Wilson
- George Wilson
- Jerrel Wilson
- Mike Wilson
- Nemiah Wilson
- Gary Wisener
- Al Witcher
- Mel Witt
- John Wittenborn
- Wayne Wolff
- Royce Womble
- Bill Wood
- Dick Wood
- Duane Wood
- Al Woodall
- Glenn Woods
- Freddie Woodson
- Junior Wren
- Ernie Wright
- Gordon Wright
- Jim Wright
- Lonnie Wright
- Sam Wyche
[edit]Player notes
[edit]1,398 people played in the American Football League at one time or another. Out of those 1,398, this is how many played for X number of years
- 601 players played in one AFL season.
- 282 players played in two AFL seasons.
- 142 players played in three AFL seasons.
- 92 players played in four AFL seasons.
- 76 players played in five AFL seasons.
- 79 players played in six AFL seasons.
- 43 players played in seven AFL seasons.
- 40 players played in eight AFL seasons
- 26 players played in nine AFL seasons.
- 17 players played in all ten AFL seasons: George Blanda, Billy Cannon, Gino Cappelletti, Larry Grantham, Wayne Hawkins, Jim Hunt, Harry Jacobs, Jacky Lee, Paul Maguire, Bill Mathis, Don Maynard, Ron Mix, Jim Otto, Babe Parilli, Johnny Robinson, Paul Rochester, and Ernie Wright.
- Tom Flores was in the league all ten years, but sat out 1962 with injuries.
- Jack Kemp was in the league all ten years, but sat out 1968 with injuries.
- Paul Lowe was in the league all ten years, but sat out 1962 with injuries.
Team notes
[edit]Out of the 1,398 people who played in the AFL, this is how many played for X number of teams
- 1,099 players played for one AFL team.
- 239 players played for two AFL teams.
- 49 players played for three AFL teams.
- 10 players played for four AFL teams.
- 1 player played for five AFL teams.